Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So I got a call today to do a job interview at 2:30. Gives me time to get a haircut and meet mom to get some new shoes. I sound pathetic I know, but I've been unemployed so long that I'm really starting to lose it. I just hope the place I'm interviewing for isn't in direct competition with the last place I worked, cause I don't remember if I signed a non-competition agreement and if I did, then would it apply here? This is starting to worry me.

Also, my friend Eddie talked to the big boss of where he works and thinks he can get me an interview there. I kinda wish I would get the job with Eddie, cause that would be pretty cool.... the two of us working together, and having common bonds again. It's been a while since we were able to talk about the same people.

Jade chewed up one of my flip flops. I liked those flip flops too :(

If I get a job with either of those places, this could turn out to be a very short journal.

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