I think this blog is going to chronicle what I do every day. I still don't think anybody is going to read it so I'm safe to post a bit of personal info here.
Didn't sleep much. Got woken up at 6:30 AM. Went back to sleep at about 8 or so.
Started studying the A+ book again. Taking notes this time. Did up to the end of chapter 3
Played Modern Warfare 3 online with Jordan and friends, only to find out I lost my touch. I had a headache so I didn't do so great.
I'm wondering if I'm ever going to find a decent job anytime soon. My ex supervisor from 7 years ago is trying to get me back on at the gate company. My friend might talk to his boss at a call center and get me on there. I've been touching up my resume as a computer tech. Maybe when I get A+ certified things will open up more. Gotta bring my resume back to Geek Squad in January.
Atlanta Falcons beat the Jaguars pretty bad tonight. Watched that game with my ol lady.
Playing Lunar on Playstation again. In the last dungeon. Just beat Royce, about to fight Xenobia. I want to play Skyrim now but too tired.
Had chicken and mashed potatoes and snap peas for supper.
I think I'm going to record myself playing harmonica on my little tape player.
I think when a relief pitcher runs out in baseball, one of them should use Magus' theme.
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